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Souls of Phi Phi - A Story through Photos

The Brahminy kite was lost and away from its flock. She kept flying in search of her friends and unknowingly, flew to a new place. It was a town of islands in the heart of a paradise, where the azure waves caressed the sandy shores and the salty breeze carried tales from distant lands. She, with her wings dipped in curiosity and her heart brimming with wanderlust, yearned to explore beyond the familiar embrace of this oceanic haven. With a bag of curiosity, she descended upon the town that lay nestled in the waters.

In this place, she encountered five distinct types of islands, each weaving their own story amidst the ebb and flow of life.
The first souls she encountered were the solitary wanderers, their position tracing a path in the deep waters as they sought solace in the rhythmic melody of the waves. Lost in the vastness of their own thoughts, they walked with a quiet longing, their hearts yearning for connection beneath the vast expanse of the open sky.
Next, she stumbled upon a group of vibrant souls who reveled in the company of others. Look at them from just enough distance and they look like a tangled lump of yarn. They are gathered in the midst of the sea, their laughter mingling with the salty breeze as they share tales of dreams and camaraderie. 
As she continued her journey, she chanced upon a tender scene of budding romance and affection. The light of love in their eyes did not dim despite their seeming uncertainty about each other's feelings and whether this was the proper thing to do. With each passing day, they inch closer, two souls destined to collide in a breathtaking embrace, where uncertainty fades and love reigns supreme.
Further along her path, she encountered families whose love mirrored the vastness of the ocean itself. Parents watched over their children as they lived amidst the water, their laughter mingling with the distant splashing of waves. Together, they make carvings on the clock, memories that would endure the test of time.
Flying further, she found radiant souls who possessed an innate ability to spread joy and light wherever they went. With their shape just like a drawing of a cloud by a kid, they even put smiles on faces who never learned to do so, their spirits as bright as the shimmering sun on the horizon. 
The series of photos depict the life of a person starting from the moment when they come to the world alone and in solitude. Growing up, they meet other kids, they grow up together, meet new people and make bonds of friendship that last a lifetime. They gradually move into the stage of life where they find love among many heartbreaks and uncertainties, however without which, life might be bland. Slowly transitioning into the following years, they create a family with the person they love as well as raise the future generation. As they grow old, they try to find peace with themselves and prepare to leave the world, wishing to leave only happy memories to those who are left behind...
Souls of Phi Phi - A Story through Photos


Souls of Phi Phi - A Story through Photos


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